Our weekly events aren’t just any
old food truck event, they are FEASTivals!!

15-25 Food Trucks, Live Music, and all kinds of Family Fun!!

Check out our AZ Feastivals app or social media for line up and more information.

Gilbert Feastival

Located at Gilbert Parks & Rec
90 E. Civic Center Dr., Gilbert
Back Parking Lot

Bi-Weekly Friday 5:30 – 9:00 pm

Queen Creek & San Tan Feastival

Queen Creek @ 21802 S Ellsworth Rd
San Tan Valley @ 1400 W. Hunt Hwy

Queen Creek Every Friday
San Tan Valley Bi-Weekly on Saturday
5:30 – 9:00 pm

Mesa Feastival

Located at Mesa Pioneer Park
526 E. Main St., Mesa
1 Block East of Mesa Dr. & Main St.

Bi-Weekly Saturday 5:30 – 9:00 pm

Hop on over to our Vendor Application Page and complete the form at the bottom of the page.  We will get back to you with the next step shortly!

Gilbert Feastival

It is a place for the community to come and enjoy dinner together. Bring your friends and family (and of course an empty stomach) to the FEASTival for amazing local food, art, music and fun!

When: Bi-Weekly on Friday, 5:30 – 9:00 pm

Where: 90 E. Civic Center Dr., Gilbert
Gilbert Parks & Rec – back parking lot

15-25 Gourmet Food Trucks, Live Music
Seating is limited – Please bring your own if you can!

No parking or admission fees.

Trucks accept credit cards.

Queen Creek & San Tan Feastival

Join us in Queen Creek and San Tan Valley for 15-25 Food Trucks, Live Music and a Boutique Market full of local artists and crafters! We do provide seating, but feel free to bring your own chairs, tables and leashed pets – we love to see it look like a giant tailgating party!

When: Queen Creek Feastival Every Friday, 5:30 – 9:00 pm

When: San Tan Feastival – Bi-Weekly on Saturday, 5:30 – 9:00 pm

Where: Queen Creek Feastival 21802 S Ellsworth Rd., Queen Creek
Ellsworth Loop and Victoria Lane, at the QC Library

Where: San Tan Feastival 1400 W. Hunt Hwy, San Tan Valley
Southeast corner of Gary and Hunt Hwy in the Home Depot Parking Lot

Trucks accept credit cards.

A HUGE Thank You to the Town
of Queen Creek!

Mesa Feastival

We really can’t think of any better place to be than sitting on a blanket on the grass under strings of lights and the stars surrounded by live music, gourmet Food Trucks and friends and families having fun in Mesa. We will be out at Pioneer Park every Saturday night!

When: Bi-Weekly on Saturday, 5:30 – 9:00 pm

Where: Pioneer Park, 526 Main St. Mesa, AZ

15 – 20 Gourmet Food Trucks and Live Music
Handmade Boutique Market

No parking or admission fees.

Trucks accept credit cards.